Reading notes for the book Effective C

Operator names

 & address-of operator
 * indirection
 [] subscript
 . stucture member
 -> structure pointer
 ^ bitwise exclusive xor



Typedef is weird, this is valid:

typedef signed char schar_type, *schar_p, (*fp)(void);

Never declare functions with an empty parameter list in C. This is a deprecated feature of the language that may be removed in the future.

int fip() // C: any number, any type
int fip() // C++: no argument

Function pointers:

int *fip() // function type returning int* with no specified parameter
typedef signed char (*fp)(void); // function type fp returning signed char pointer, no arguments

typedef void fv(int), (*pfv)(int);
void (*signal(int, void(*)(int)))(int);
fv *signal(int, fv *);
pfv signal(int, pfv);”


signed integer types - signed char, short int, int, long int, long long int

signed integer overlow is undefined (see ABS macro), unsigned wraparound is well-defined in C, some encryption algorithms use it, however width depends on the implementation

and don’t forget the promotion:

unsigned short i = USHRT_MAX;
i *= INT_MAX; /* <- signed arithmetic, overflows, produces undefined behavior */

floating point types (always signed) - float,double,long double


octal: starts with a 0, optionally followed by digits 0 through 7

integer suffixes: none means int, U unsinged, L long, LL

floating point suffixes: none means double (implicit), F float, L long,

float x = 0.5; // Implicit double literal, converted to float

i = x; // The value of x is converted from float to int.

x += 2.5; // Before the addition, the value of x is converted to //
double. Afterward, the sum is converted to float for // assignment to x.

x = sqrt( i ); // Calculate the square root of i:
// The argument is converted from int to double; the return
// value is converted from double to float for assignment to x.

long my_func() {
    return 0; // The constant 0 is converted to long, the function's return
              // type.

Implicit conversions

signed char c = -1 // ==
unsigned int i = UINT_MAX
// promotion, sign extension, different signedness, equal rank,
performed as unsigned (==) operator


lvalue: locator value, it must designate an object. can be an expression, as long as it references an object eg. *(p+4)

str[i] is identical to *(str+i)

postfix increment (p++) has higher precedence than prefix or unary

char abc[] = "abc";
char xyz[] = "xyz";
char *p = abc;
printf("%c", ++*p);

p = xyz;
printf("%c", *p++);” // bx

Command line argumens

Under *nix type systems with exec() calls, argv[0] will be whatever the caller puts into the argv0 spot in the exec() call.

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